Welcome to the HWBOT Team Cup 2021. With six subcategory contests, twenty four unique stages this is without doubt the most exciting and dramatic team overclocking contest on the planet.

Running from August 1st to September 30th, the HWBOT Team Cup will once again pit the world’s best overclocking teams against each other in an effort to answer one massive question - which group of overclockers represents the most talented, best organized and dedicated overclocking team of the year? The contest spans virtually many hardware classes with a comprehensive mix of 2D, 3D, mobile and retro stages to look forward to. A place in overclocking folklore awaits the winners.

08.01.2021 12:00 +0000
09.30.2021 12:00 +0000


  • This competition is closed. You can no longer join
  • HWBOT TEAM CUP 2021 - AMD is closed since 30 September 2021
  • This competition is between teams

General Rules

  • General and benchmark specific hwbot rules apply
  • Desktop hardware only (no server parts) unless explicitly allowed at stage rules
  • No ES, nor unreleased hardware
  • One bencher can only contribute once for each stage
  • For the stages that require several results, different CPUs / GPUs / MEM types are needed (example: LGA1150 cpu bench with three results needs 4790, 4770K, 4690, if three different benchers submit three results with 4770k only one will count to the ranking)


Each sub-competition consists of 4 stages. Check the stages for specific rules.

The point distribution of each stage is: 50-48-46-44-42-40-38-36-34-32-30-28-26-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Art design by DaQuteness


Rank Participant Cinebench - 2003 - DDR1 HWBOT x265 Benchmark - 1080p - DDR2 3DMark CPU PROFILE MAX - DDR3 Cinebench - R23 Multi Core per core - DDR4
1 46 pts 48 pts 50 pts 50 pts 194 pts
2 48 pts 44 pts 46 pts 44 pts 182 pts
3 50 pts 50 pts 48 pts 34 pts 182 pts
4 42 pts 42 pts 42 pts 48 pts 174 pts
5 30 pts 46 pts 40 pts 46 pts 162 pts
6 36 pts 40 pts 44 pts 38 pts 158 pts
7 38 pts 38 pts 38 pts 40 pts 154 pts
8 34 pts 36 pts 28 pts 42 pts 140 pts
9 32 pts 26 pts 34 pts 36 pts 128 pts
10 26 pts 30 pts 36 pts 22 pts 114 pts
11 44 pts 30 pts 20 pts 94 pts
12 22 pts 32 pts 32 pts 86 pts
13 40 pts 32 pts 12 pts 84 pts
14 34 pts 16 pts 50 pts
15 30 pts 30 pts
16 28 pts 28 pts
17 28 pts 28 pts
18 28 pts 28 pts
19 26 pts 26 pts
20 24 pts 24 pts
21 24 pts 24 pts
22 18 pts 18 pts
23 14 pts 14 pts
24 10 pts 10 pts

First Position

194 pts Team Hardware-Reaktor-Reloaded


August 1, 2021 at 2:27:07 PM UTC

This time I confirmed the rules

August 29, 2021 at 2:03:25 PM UTC

Is this overclocked or just default . And can you change the 3 you submit if you get better score

August 29, 2021 at 7:44:52 PM UTC

If you have a better score than one of the team  mates,  your score will contribute to the average Team score

August 30, 2021 at 7:37:13 AM UTC

Thank you

September 5, 2021 at 11:55:57 AM UTC

for DDR3 stage for some reason i cannot run on X79 at all. it always gets half way through and says HWinfo error reboot required?


if i reboot obviously nothing changes. 


I have submited bug report probably 3 weeks ago and no reply. 


Benchmate is shit.jpg

September 5, 2021 at 1:57:01 PM UTC

Try latest 0.10.8 with hwinfo update

September 5, 2021 at 2:03:23 PM UTC

5 minutes ago, Leeghoofd said:

Try latest 0.10.8 with hwinfo update

ok ? ill try it and report back

September 6, 2021 at 7:12:05 PM UTC

I cant submit.

Am i doing something wrong , or is it a system failure ?


413 Request Entity Too Large

nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)


September 6, 2021 at 7:24:06 PM UTC

Your pictures are too large... 



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